We met, he left for work, and she waited. Together, we experienced the highs, the lows, and everything in between. Seven months later, here we are, about to get married. It’s really that simple.
“When the Time is Right, I the Lord Will Make it Happen” Isaiah 60:22
Sara Dominique Billano Miyuki Resureccion Amira Francine Delos Martirez Maria Elisha Bastillo Prynne Joy Portillo
Sienna Therese Billano
Christina Isabelle Billano
Our life together has already begun, we have almost everything under the sun, If you should wish to buy us a gift, a little extra money would give us a lift.
But most importantly, we request, you share our day as our wedding guest. Now that we’ve saved you any fuss, we can’t wait for you to celebrate with us!